Page 2875 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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This is an important question. It is one of continuing interest to the ACT because we are getting this immediate bonus from the casino additional to the long-term benefits that will flow. I look forward to the response that is forthcoming.

MR MOORE (10.46): Madam Speaker, it is with pleasure that I rise to support this motion. I too am very conscious of the significant report of the Select Committee on Cultural Activities and Facilities that Mr Wood chaired. That committee brought down an excellent report. To go over that work would be inappropriate; to use that work again would be appropriate. It is also important for us to recall that there was a committee report on the casino itself. All the issues to do with a casino were presented to this Assembly. Whilst the report contained a series of dissenting comments, perhaps the Assembly benefited in many ways from those.

I note that Ms Szuty has set Thursday, 10 December 1992, as the time for the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee to report. In setting such a very tight reporting date it is clear that the intention here is not to redo the work that has already been done, but rather just to assess how the money is likely to be spent and to provide an extra input for the Assembly and for the Government as to the best ways for that money to be distributed for the benefit of Canberra. To hear the Minister respond in such a positive way reflects positively on him and on his Government. A government that is receptive to such ideas and to such an approach, I think, will move forward very positively.

I must say that I do find it a contrast to the response of Mr Berry to the report from the Select Committee on Drugs the other day, but I think enough has been said in this chamber on that issue. Here we have a very positive response. I think this is the opportunity to provide for the people of Canberra an insight into how this money is to be spent for the benefit of all.

MS SZUTY (10.49), in reply: Madam Speaker, I thank members for their contributions in speaking on this motion.

Mr Moore: Did you note that the Liberals did not speak?

MS SZUTY: Yes, I did note that the Liberals did not speak on it; but I guess that they will have the opportunity during the deliberations of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee to put forward their point of view. Mr Wood quite rightly drew the Assembly's attention to the very extensive report finalised by the First Assembly's Select Committee on Cultural Activities and Facilities. Indeed, it would be foolish for the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee to go over that ground again. As Mr Moore emphasised in his remarks, the committee has the opportunity to draw on the extensive work of that First Assembly's select committee. Obviously, the short timeframe will mean that we will not go into those issues in a great deal of depth.

The other important point that Mr Wood raised is the work of the ACT Cultural Council. I was delighted to hear that they have been involved in establishing principles and criteria for the spending of the $19m which the Government has been given by the operators of the casino in the ACT. I am sure that the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee would look forward to hearing their views, which will come before us by 1 December 1992. I thank members for their support of this motion.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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