Page 2837 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 21 October 1992

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I am pleased to report to members that the restructuring of the ACT Tourism Commission is now almost completed, and that we now have in place a vibrant and aggressive marketing organisation which can be expected to compete effectively with the other States and Territories. Madam Speaker, I cannot speak too highly of the cooperative relations that are now a feature of our industry. Both private and public sectors are working closely together for the good of all. The establishment of a Canberra region chapter of the Australian Tourism Industry Association has proved valuable in bringing the industry together.

Recently, Madam Speaker, I presided at an event in Sydney which was aimed at telling inbound tourism operators that the domestic airlines have now dropped the penalty formerly imposed on overseas visitors overnighting in Canberra. Already we can see more overseas visitors amongst the crowds at events such as Floriade. This is a good sign for the future. I can report to members that the commission is concentrating heavily on the inbound tourism industry to maximise Canberra's share of the projected 11 per cent per annum increase in international arrivals. Members will also be aware that my Government is a strong supporter of Sydney's bid for the Olympic Games in the year 2000. We believe that by supporting Sydney their bid will be much enhanced. The spin-offs to Canberra and the region from a successful bid by Sydney would be enormous, with the possibility of some events being staged in the excellent sporting facilities Canberra enjoys.

Before I finish, Madam Speaker, it is my very great pleasure to announce that ACT Tourism has won another award. This time it is for the best stand at the Queensland Holiday Travel Show held in Brisbane last weekend. The award is made by Travel Week Magazine and is based on the quality of presentation, the product display and the professional approach by staff. I am sure all members will join me in extending congratulations to Kylie Anderson from the Tourism Commission, who managed the ACT contribution to the show. Madam Speaker, I mentioned in my statement to the house last year that we had every reason to be optimistic about ACT tourism. This has proved to be quite true. This year, Madam Speaker, I believe that we have even more reason for optimism.

I present the following paper:

Tourism - Achievements - Ministerial statement, 21 October 1992.

I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Debate (on motion by Mr De Domenico) adjourned.

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