Page 2819 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 21 October 1992

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Mr Connolly will say more in relation to legal matters, but I think it is very clear to people concerned with mental health that the Government has taken some positive moves. Nobody denies that a lot more needs to be done. I have to say that I am a little concerned about deadlines being set as proposed within the motion. Two months ago Mrs Carnell argued that it be done within the next two months. Two months ago it was important for it be done by now; now it is not important for it to have been done by now. I do not understand these sorts of motions; you put a deadline on with two months to go and you do not update it when you re-put the motion.

Mr Humphries: It is an extension of time, Wayne.

MR BERRY: It certainly does not present that way. I am not appreciative of these sorts of deadlines. If Mrs Carnell had really wanted to know where we were at, we could have arranged a briefing for her on the particular issue. She does not seem to be interested in finding out exactly what is going on; rather, she is more interested in pursuing a political course which might agitate - - -

Mr Cornwell: You will give her briefings now, will you?

MR BERRY: She could have asked for one. I will not now. What would you want to do that for? She has already taken a line.

Mr Cornwell: You were not too keen about giving her any briefings beforehand.

MR BERRY: It has to be a two-way street. If you want to take - - -

Mr Humphries: Do not criticise the Minister and you get briefings.

MR BERRY: No, no. If you want to milk it politically, you go ahead and milk it politically; but, if you want compassion from the Government when you milk it politically, go somewhere else, in my view.

Mr De Domenico: You have never had your hand on a political lever!


MR BERRY: Yes, but I know how to play the game fairly and squarely, and that is what we have done in relation to this matter. It is an issue of concern and it is something that the Government is dealing with. I think that is well recognised by the community, particularly those people associated with the mental health carers in the community. As I have said, I have already announced the Mental Health Advisory Council. I think they have had their first meeting. They may even have been to their second. The seminar on, I think, Saturday which began Mental Health Week was a very positive feature in the development of mental health services in the ACT.

We will hear more about it and we will continue to develop services in the Territory in a way which is compassionate, quite contrary to the approach to health which has been taken by the Liberals federally. They will decrease the amount of funding and energy available for State and Territory governments if they are elected. It is clear that there will be significantly less resource available to State and Territory governments to deal with mentally ill - - -

Mr Cornwell: This is the non-political approach he is talking about.

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