Page 2787 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 October 1992

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Proposed paragraph 150(1)(f) enables the charging of a fee determined by the Minister to persons who are granted approval to conduct a treatment centre. It is intended that the fee will recover the cost of inspecting treatment centres, the monitoring of standards in these centres and other associated administrative costs.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 9.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Detail Stage

Remainder of Bill as a whole

Debate resumed.

Mr Kaine: Why don't you just table it and let us vote?

MR BERRY: I need to demonstrate clearly, Mr Kaine, the inadequacy and flawed nature of the Bill which is being put up by one of your members, and the inadequacy of the committee report. If you want to go home, you can go now.

Proposed clause 7, Madam Speaker, amends section 158 of the Act dealing with the renewal of an approval to conduct a treatment centre. Subsection 158(2) is amended to require that the application in writing for a renewal which must be lodged by an approval holder must be accompanied by the determined fee. The fee is intended to cover the continuing inspection, monitoring and administrative costs associated with approving pharmacies as treatment centres.

MR MOORE (9.31): Madam Speaker, I rise to oppose the amendments, and I do it for a series of reasons. First of all, Madam Speaker, these are the back-of-the-envelope amendments that the Minister accused the select committee of producing. You will note, Madam Speaker, that this job was finished at 11 o'clock today, after the house had sat. The earliest that I saw these amendments was when one of the Liberals passed a copy to me after the house had already started sitting today. That is in stark contrast to the approach that I had used, of making sure that the amendments that I was proposing were circulated to members as soon as they were drafted, even though they were in direct line with the recommendations of the select committee.

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