Page 2780 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 October 1992

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Detail Stage

Mr Moore: Madam Speaker, could you clarify which Bill we are dealing with? We did have a cognate debate.

MADAM SPEAKER: It is the Drugs of Dependence (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) 1992, the first one. It is Mr Berry's Bill.

Mr Moore: I am the only one with an amendment on this, am I not? You can take this Bill as a whole. That is all right.

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole

MR MOORE (9.09): Madam Speaker, I move:

Page 2, line 24, after clause 5, add the following new clause:

Approval - grant

"6. Section 150 of the Principal Act is amended by adding at the end the following subsection:

'(3) The Board shall, within 28 days after receiving an application in accordance with section 149, make a decision under subsection (1) granting or refusing to grant an approval to the applicant to conduct a treatment centre of the type, and at the premises, specified in the application.'.".

Mr Berry: I think you have the wrong Bill. You should be doing it to the other one.

MADAM SPEAKER: No, we are right.

MR MOORE: This is simply to ensure that applications to conduct treatment centres, should treatment centres also include a private treatment centre, will be dealt with quickly. I think that is a perfectly reasonable approach. In fact, Madam Speaker, this is simply to put into practice a recommendation of the Select Committee on Drugs.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (9.09): Mr Moore's amendment to the Drugs of Dependence Act would have the effect of including premises at which a medical practitioner practises medicine within the definition of a treatment centre.

Mrs Carnell: No, it would not. That is the other one.

Mr De Domenico: This is the amendment that says that you have to make a decision within 28 days.

MR BERRY: The amendment to the Drugs of Dependence (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) moved by Mr Moore is the one I am looking at.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, that is right.

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