Page 2762 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 October 1992

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Mrs Carnell: $219,000.

MR MOORE: Mrs Carnell might deal with that later, when we are debating the Bill. What we have, Madam Speaker, is something that really could only be described as shonky. It is something that will be dealt with by the Estimates Committee - - -

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I think that sort of intemperate language is unnecessary and ought to be withdrawn.

Mr Kaine: Is "shocking" unparliamentary?

Mr Berry: It means "dishonest". If you are happy for us to say that you are dishonest, that is fair enough.

Mr Kaine: He did not say "dishonest"; he said "shocking".

MR MOORE: No, I said "shonky". Would you like me to withdraw the word "shonky", Madam Speaker?

MADAM SPEAKER: You might like to replace it with something else, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: I withdraw the word "shonky", Madam Speaker, and leave it to the imagination of members to replace it with whatever words they consider appropriate.

Mr Kaine: It is a furphy.

MR MOORE: Mr Kaine suggests "furphy". I do not think that is strong enough. We were told that there would be no cost, and a year later we are told that it is going to cost us over $200,000. I ask you, Madam Speaker: Is there not something wrong?

Mr Berry: Don't ask her; ask me.

MR MOORE: I am addressing my speech through the Speaker. Madam Speaker, the response from Mr Berry is the sort of response that we are beginning to expect from this very conservative Labor Government that really does not wish to make any moves on these issues. The suggestions that Mr Berry has made in respect of the Bill that is about to be debated - and I will address that later - have some very positive features, and I have never resiled from that. I think they are a major contribution. However, they do not go far enough. The distribution of methadone should be carried out with as broad choices as possible in the interests of the clients.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Sitting suspended from 4.51 to 8.00 pm

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