Page 2711 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 October 1992

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I wrote to Mr Humphries in his capacity as leader of the Opposition on 19 July 1991 regarding the development of the national response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. I expressed my belief that a bipartisan approach to the issues raised in the Royal Commissions Report would be valuable in writing the ACT response and sought the support and cooperation of the Opposition in this matter.

Mr Humphries replied, as the Liberal spokesperson on Aboriginal Affairs, supporting the suggested process for the development of the ACT response and welcoming a bipartisan approach to the issue. Mr Humphries added that the Opposition would need to be provided with a copy of the full response in order to endorse it.

I wrote back confirming the Governments commitment to a bipartisan approach and agreeing to contact the Opposition when the document had been drafted. _ In. line with this agreement, 1. wrote to Mr Kaine as Leader of the Opposition in Mesh 1992; attaching a copy of the ACT response as approved-by Government. In this letter I stated my belief that the document was well balanced and most suitable for bipartisan endorsement and I offered to arrange for the Opposition to attend a private briefing on the ACT response if required. The Opposition did not respond to my letter and the invitation was never acknowledged.

I am disappointed that the Opposition has failed to take up my offer of a more active role in activities surrounding the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. The ACT response was prepared in consultation with the local Aboriginal community and covers a wide range of issues. As part of the national response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission it sets directions for positive action in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs now and in the future.

I remain strongly committed to a bipartisan approach to matters affecting Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders in the Territory. I believe that cooperation is vital if we are to properly address the issues facing Aboriginal peoples and Tomes Strait Islanders and achieve a real and lasting reconciliation within Australian society. I maintain my willingness to work with the Opposition in this area and continue my commitment to a bipartisan approach


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