Page 2672 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 October 1992

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Mr Kaine: We still do. We just do not like your Bill.

MR BERRY: The Bill is faulty now!

Mr Moore: Where are the amendments?

MR BERRY: Where are the amendments to bring it up to speed? The facts of the matter are, Madam Speaker, that this is a progressive Bill aimed to level the playing field for all workers in the Territory. We have an obligation to improve wages and working conditions for all of our constituencies, not just a few - not just the powerful ones, as has been said, but also the weak ones. The Labor Government has moved not only on this matter but also on occupational health and safety, to ensure that people in the community who are unable to protect themselves have a form of protection that hitherto they did not have.

The Industrial Relations Commission in July 1990 established a national standard for parental leave. In terms of the Bill, the provisions can be amended from time to time to catch up where it is considered necessary, and that will be the case. Where conditions outstrip the provisions, then catch-up provisions will be put in place from time to time. I would consult, as I did with this piece of legislation, with the members of my Industrial Relations Advisory Council, where employers were represented.

Mr De Domenico: How many employers were on it?

MR BERRY: A significant number of employers.

Mr De Domenico: How many?

MR BERRY: I think, three employer bodies, and they represent employers in the Territory. If the employers do not like what their representatives are doing, I say to you, Mr De Domenico, that they ought to get rid of them and put some new ones on.

Mr De Domenico: Did you consult them also on occupational health and safety?

MR BERRY: Indeed.

Mr De Domenico: You did, did you? Then, they are all lying? All those 140 people that were there last week were lying, were they?

MR BERRY: You are getting a bit agitated about it because you have been caught out. Employers have been consulted fully.

Mr De Domenico: Absolute garbage! Rubbish!

MR BERRY: The Liberal anti-worker agenda starts to sneak through. Attack the workers. It is always attack - - -

Mr De Domenico: It is just untrue. What you just said was untrue.

MR BERRY: Employers in the ACT were consulted fully. They had the opportunity - - -

Mr De Domenico: Untrue.

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