Page 2645 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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MR DE DOMENICO (5.07): Madam Speaker, the Opposition will not be supporting this amendment. Ms Szuty has said to businesses, "The bad news is that you are going to go broke. The good news is that you will not go broke today; you will go broke tomorrow". It has been clearly said by the business community that they are against this legislation holus bolus. Ms Szuty, in moving this amendment, is living in cuckooland. For that reason, we will not be accepting Ms Szuty's amendment.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (5.08): In relation to Ms Szuty's amendment, the changes made by this legislation would normally be brought into effect by notification in the Gazette. In the timing of the Gazette notification, I have already indicated that I would have regard to the need for a period during which employers affected would be advised of the new requirements. I can indicate now that the Office of Occupational Health and Safety will be providing free advice to employers to assist them in setting themselves up for the implementation of these changes. By gazettal action, we would delay the implementation of the legislation to a point that is reasonable.

The intention of the amendment Ms Szuty has moved is consistent with what I intended and, accordingly, in the interests of gaining the widest possible support for this important legislation, the Government is prepared - - -

Mr Kaine: Support at any price.

MR BERRY: Some people are reasonable on these sorts of things and some people are not. When this legislation was originally introduced, people were given time to ensure that they were up to speed on the legislation; they were given every support. I have to say to you that, whilst businesses originally opposed the initial legislation, they now support it fully.

Mr Kaine: Do they? Can you give us a few names?

MR BERRY: All the business representatives on the Industrial Relations Advisory Council support it wholeheartedly. They know the benefits because they are on the record. We are prepared to assist business. We are not prepared just to be narks, like the Liberals. We are about assisting business and implementing important, progressive legislation. For those employers who already accept the desirability of adopting the workplace OH and S arrangements the Bill provides for, there is nothing to prevent them from moving in advance of July 1993. In fact, I recommend that they do so.

The Government will support the amendment moved by Ms Szuty because it parallels the process we originally intended, and we are thankful for her support in this respect. We look forward to the passage of this legislation because we know, as has been proved, that it will provide a safer workplace and more profitable businesses. Even Mrs Carnell's business, if she avoids sacking those workers whom she said she would sack, could be safer. I urge her to take advantage of the excellent opportunities that will be provided as a result of this legislation. There will be adequate training for her staff under the legislation. She, too, can avail herself of the training opportunities that are provided at the Trades and Labour Council, and I am sure that she would be a better businesswoman as a result.

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