Page 2635 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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Employer organisations in Canberra are party to the Occupational Health and Safety Council. I will tell you what really rankles. I do not mind that the Opposition trot out ACIL again or find an issue that they think they can take an opposing view on. But neither of us can afford to adopt a political position on occupational health and safety. We are talking about the lives and livelihood of men and women working in the ACT. We are talking about trying to put into place a regime of proper practice in occupational health and safety in the ACT. This will ensure that nobody can get up and say, "Well, we are not totally sure of all the statistics in a particular area". It will ensure that statistics on accidents such as those resulting in two amputations in the last 12 months are available and do not suddenly come out of the woodwork.

Debate interrupted.


MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Mr Lamont, we are going to have another amputation. It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require that the question be put forthwith.

Question resolved in the negative.


Debate resumed.

MR LAMONT: Any reasonable-minded person must support what we are proposing here.

Mr De Domenico: What about Wayne Goss?

Mrs Carnell: Or New South Wales or Victoria or South Australia or Western Australia?

MR LAMONT: I hear Bib and Bub once again saying, "What about Queensland? What about South Australia?". Do you want to talk about South Australia? Do you want to talk about the other States? Do you want to talk about where they are getting to?

Mr De Domenico: No, we want to talk about the ACT.

MR LAMONT: That is exactly what we want to do, Mr De Domenico - talk about the ACT and make sure that it is exemplary in relation to occupational health and safety within Australia. This legislation will further reduce the level of accidents in the ACT. We have heard a lot about the extra impost of $450 per training period putting people out the door backwards. What an absolute crop of rot!

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