Page 2626 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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For August - the latest figures available - the percentage of youth unemployed, excluding those in education, is actually 21.7 per cent - well below the national average of 26.6 per cent for the same group. Nevertheless, the Government considers this rate unacceptable and has put into place over the last two budgets a number of initiatives aimed at reducing youth unemployment, through both job creation and training schemes to raise skill levels.

These initiatives included the ACT Youth Conservation Corps, a 1992-93 budget initiative, which will provide 80 places in a full year for young unemployed people to undertake a combination of structured workplace training and experience in the areas of conservation, the environment, and natural, historical and cultural heritage.

Mr De Domenico: How many jobs will it provide, though?


Mr Cornwell: What, digging holes for trees?

MS ELLIS: Madam Speaker, I showed the Opposition the courtesy of hearing them in silence, and I would appreciate it if they would do the same for me.

Mr Cornwell: I mean, really! It is training, not jobs.


MS ELLIS: The special youth employment initiatives package will provide $560,000 in 1992-93 and will assist unemployed youth in the 15 to 19 years age group through a workplace development scheme providing temporary employment for 30 young people, including 10 part-time for six months, 10 additional places under the Australian traineeship scheme, and nine additional apprenticeships. There is an enhanced program of pastoral care and career advisory services to assist students in making a successful transition to post-school life - that is, $145,000 in 1992-93 and $290,000 in a full year.

An initiative of the 1991-92 budget was the expansion of Streetlink by two workers to enhance the program's employment and training focus for young people. This also provided for the co-location of the Streetlink program with the Commonwealth Youth Access Centre to better provide services for unemployed young people in Belconnen. Streetlink has commenced operating from the co-located premises this week, with the Youth Access Centre commencing in November.

A further initiative of the 1991-92 budget was the expansion of the funding to Jobline and Involve, providing a greater capacity for meeting the needs of unemployed young people. Jobline has, as a result, opened a southside office in Tuggeranong. There is also the venture and development assistance program. This year funding under this innovative program has been expanded to $200,000. This program provided 230 training places in its first year of operation, and already this financial year 46 training places have been provided. Further projects with a job creation focus are currently being developed in conjunction with a range of community groups and organisations.

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