Page 2603 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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the ACT on greenhouse. Basically, it is too important an issue and too likely an outcome not to be doing something. It is sensible of us to act with great care and to treat the matter seriously. If there is compelling scientific evidence over a longer period, obviously scientists and governments behind them will act accordingly.

MR STEVENSON: I ask a supplementary question. The Minister said that he was not sure what NASA meant. When I referred to taking satellite temperature measurements globally since 1979, one would have - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question cannot have a preamble, Mr Stevenson. Would you please ask the question.

MR STEVENSON: It was just a slight preamble.

Mr Kaine: Not nearly as much as - - -

MR STEVENSON: I was just about to mention, Mr Kaine, that to include in the answer such things as other definitions that not even someone within Mr Wood's Education Department would mention, perhaps, was a waste of time. I just wonder why it is okay for Mr Wood to do it. I ask: Is Mr Wood aware of any members of the responsible ACT government departments attending a meeting I put on in Canberra some year or so ago where all this data was presented and where John Daly, who was the author of - - -

Mr Lamont: Is this really a supplementary question?

MR STEVENSON: Yes, it is, indeed.

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, I raise a point of order. It gets to the point where Mr Stevenson is debating an issue. I would draw his attention, through you - - -

Mr Kaine: Which standing order are you taking your point of order under?

Mr Lamont: I am allowing the Chair to rule on a range of standing orders, Mr Kaine, which obviously preclude Mr Stevenson from continuing in the fashion he was.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, I ask you to put your question promptly.

MR STEVENSON: Is the Minister aware whether or not any members of the Government, their staff or members in any department associated with this area in the ACT attended a meeting I put on where John Daly spoke on the matter in detail and answered all the questions that were necessary, and where a video was shown, which has been shown on SBS twice since, called The Greenhouse Conspiracy?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, you are sorely testing the patience of the Speaker. Supplementary questions are under standing order 119. I urge you to read it and not to test that standing order again. Mr Wood, you may choose to answer, but I am very tempted to rule it as a new question and therefore out of order.

MR WOOD: I bow to your ruling, Madam Speaker. I will be as brief as Mr Stevenson was long. I do not know whether any government officers attended that meeting.

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