Page 2600 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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that it must do better and better still. It does not sit back and say, "We are doing a good job", and forget about it. It is constantly looking to improve the quality of its graduates. Very much at the forefront of this is the work coming from Carmichael and Mayer. As the new trends, the new policies, emerge and influence our system, we will see yet again an increased level of ability demonstrated by graduates.

I also thank Mr Cornwell for his endorsement of the term "Institute of Technology" and, in saying so, I note that a name is important. The basic work that TAFE does will not change. It will still concentrate on basic skills; it will concentrate on trade training and the whole range of programs it has long run. The name change will give a new focus and will assist in encouraging people to see TAFE as perhaps a better outcome for them than a university.

To conclude, I am not sure that I can help Mr Cornwell with pronunciation. Maybe that will come over time. Whether it is to be "sit" or "kit", I do not know - - -

Ms Follett: It is Canberra, not Sanberra.

MR WOOD: I can tell Mr Cornwell what it was not going to be. It was not going to be the ACT Institute of Technology.

MR DE DOMENICO (12.00), in reply: Madam Speaker, I shall speak briefly, mainly because it was I who moved the motion to take note. Had I had an opportunity then, I would not have spoken today; but I have to do so now out of respect for the Assembly. Let me take this opportunity to endorse most of Mr Wood's remarks and, obviously, all of Mr Cornwell's. I agree with the Chief Minister that the acronym has to be pronounced "kit"; the name is Canberra.

I mention briefly the experience I have had with one of the schools. Whilst I believe that all the schools have done a fantastic job, I had a lot to do with the School of Tourism and Hospitality, ably run by Lyn Smith. There is no doubt that Canberra's School of Tourism and Hospitality is world class by anyone's standards. They ought to be congratulated for the calibre of graduate they send out. As people are probably aware, all of Canberra's best waiters and most of Canberra's best chefs at one stage in their careers have gone through a course at the Canberra School of Tourism and Hospitality. A lot of the fine chefs and waiters from all over the country have also had their instruction at the Canberra School of Tourism and Hospitality.

I am also very gratified at the success of the overseas program. Perhaps one thing the change of name to the Canberra Institute of Technology will do is tell the world at large that the old ACT TAFE has come of age. The Canberra Institute of Technology will be recognised as a world-class educational institution, which has to be good for its future. With those very brief remarks, Madam Speaker, I am happy to endorse what my colleague Mr Cornwell has said.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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