Page 2593 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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The second issue involves the introduction of essential additional controls over the most dangerous schedule 7 poisons to better protect public health - a government priority. Appendix J to the standard lists the controls of these substances considered appropriate by the Council for the Protection of Public Health. To facilitate the introduction of these recommended controls into ACT law in addition to adopting the schedules by reference, the proposed government amendments will also adopt by reference appendix J to the standard. This will allow the application of criteria by the Medical Officer of Health in setting conditions for use of these substances when issuing or refusing authorisations for the manufacture, supply and/or use of these substances. The third issue concerns the introduction of fees for these authorisations in line with existing licence fees called for in the Poisons Act 1933 and the Drugs of Dependence Act.

As previously mentioned, before the issue raised by Mrs Carnell can be addressed, three pieces of legislation must be extensively amended - the Poisons Act, the Poisons and Drugs Act and the Drugs of Dependence Act. This is a complex parcel of legislation which requires the allocation of considerable drafting resources in both time and personnel. It is anticipated that when the appropriate Bills are available they will assist in fulfilling the Government's commitment to not only consistency and harmonisation of the schedules of drugs and poisons between States and Territories but also national uniformity of controls for the sale, supply, labelling and packaging of poisons and drugs, including drugs of dependence.

Mrs Carnell complains that the Government promised legislation last year. The Government said that the legislation was on - that is what we said - and it was.

Mrs Carnell: But it fell off.

MR BERRY: If you grow to a better understanding of the legislation program you will understand that sometimes second and third priority legislation falls off.

Mrs Carnell: You said that it would be through last year.

MR BERRY: Sometimes it falls off.

Mrs Carnell: You said that it would be introduced in the budget sittings last year.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry has the floor.

MR BERRY: The amendment of this legislation is a priority, and drafting is now well advanced for these pieces of legislation. We will support the amendment that I have proposed because it mirrors the very words Mrs Carnell herself used.

Mrs Carnell: It does not.

MR BERRY: You used them in your speech. We will drag out the Hansard. You said - - -

Mrs Carnell: You said "notes that the Government is preparing". It was preparing last year. It was preparing the year before.

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