Page 2584 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 October 1992

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Therefore, Madam Speaker, I believe that the Assembly should acknowledge and celebrate the success at the 1992 Shell Mileage Marathon of all ACT school entrants, while nevertheless recognising the particular achievements of the Lake Tuggeranong College staff and students. Accordingly, I would like to move as an amendment to Ms Ellis's motion:

After "success", insert "and all other ACT schools participating".

I am quite prepared to move that at the conclusion of this debate, Ms Ellis - unless, of course, you are prepared and gracious enough at this point to accept the amendment in the spirit in which it is offered to you.

Ms Ellis: Of course I am, Mr Cornwell.

MR CORNWELL: If you accept the amendment we can then debate it in full.

Ms Ellis: It is accepted.

Ms Follett: You have leave to incorporate it.

MR CORNWELL: Very well. I seek leave to move the amendment, which I think has been circulated to members.

MADAM SPEAKER: You do not need leave because we have a motion before us.

MR CORNWELL: I am following the Chief Minister. I always follow everything she says. I move:

After "success", insert "and all other ACT schools participating".

MR LAMONT (10.50): I think it is appropriate that we mention Chisholm High School, which unfortunately Mr Cornwell overlooked. Chisholm High School is in the Tuggeranong Valley as well. It is interesting to note the rather churlish way in which Mr Cornwell addressed this issue, although I do not believe that he attempted to belittle the success of Lake Tuggeranong College. I want to make sure that Mr Cornwell is aware of the efforts of Chisholm High School - which is also in Tuggeranong, just in case you have not been down there either, Mr Cornwell. It was a rather churlish way in which Mr Cornwell chose to address his remarks to a motion which I believe is deserving of the unanimous support of this chamber.

I think it is important that we as a government and we as an Assembly support the activities of our schools and colleges in entering competitions such as the one outlined by Ms Ellis. The reason for that is that it is our responsibility to encourage the designers, the inventors and the leaders of the future to take account of, and to raise their consciousness about, our dwindling fuel reserves and to encourage them to devise ways of conserving fuel and energy. That is the major success that I see of the program that is supported by Shell and similar types of activities around Australia that are supported by a great number of other organisations. I believe that the substance of Ms Ellis's motion, as I have said, is deserving of the full support of this chamber. It is interesting to note that, as I understand it, no funds, other than through sponsorship, were provided to allow schools and colleges to enter these activities. It is gratifying to see that they were able to secure support from a wide range of ACT businesses. I believe that we

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