Page 2562 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 October 1992

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How many extra dollars will have to be spent by employers already under incredible attack by government impositions? Let us have a look at what this legislation will do. It relates to all businesses with 10 or more employees. I should make the point that Mr Berry - - -

Mr Berry: No, 10 to 20. The ones above 20 already have it.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Berry says "10 to 20". Let us look at what Mr Berry said in his presentation speech to this Assembly. I quote:

Simply put, it will extend the coverage of the Act from workplaces with more than 20 employees to workplaces with more than 10 employees.

That is not true. It is 10 or more. There are many people concerned about such serious mistakes being made in this area.

What arrangements will have to be made? First of all, any business of 10 or more employees that is not already covered by the legislation will be required to form designated work groups. The workplace stipulations in the Act will then apply to all of these places where 10 or more people are employed. It matters not whether they are full-time, casual or part-time. There was a suggestion that it does not really matter; if they work there they should be protected by the regulations. But what if they work there for just one day a year? What about a business that a full-time owner-operator runs, with a couple of family members working in it and occasionally some other people? I hear a flurry of comments from the Labor Party saying that these people should be covered.

Mr Berry: They are still entitled to a safe workplace.

MR STEVENSON: They are entitled to a safe workplace. Let me read some of the statements from workplace owners. I quote:

Nobody is against maximising safety in the workplace, but this legislation is not a practical, cost effective method for very small businesses.

Another said:

We as employers in small business care greatly for our employees and their welfare is utmost in our minds. Nothing adds to our costs and detracts from our efficiency and profitability more than an injured worker.

Nor more than an injured workplace operator, I might suggest. I quote another one:

We in small business do care about our staff, because we work side by side in a hands on situation and our management structure is usually flat. We do recognise the necessity of the safe working environment as we are usually working within that environment.

So, it is not a question of whether or not people have safety; they do. We have not seen a detailed analysis to show anything other than that.

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