Page 2556 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 October 1992

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there is a great awareness of health and safety at all times. However the industry believes that the impost of costs against small business brought on by the new amendments will cause further unemployment to occur.

That is not the Insurance Council of Australia; that is the Canberra Visitor and Convention Bureau in a letter to Mr Berry. They are saying, "Listen, he has targeted the tourism industry which employs a lot of young people". We are saying that if these amendments go through it is very likely that there will be fewer people employed in the tourism industry. That is what the industry is saying. It is not only the Canberra Visitor and Convention Bureau, Madam Speaker - - -

Mr Lamont: They have been wrong before.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you, Mr Lamont. It is not just the Canberra Visitor and Convention Bureau; let us look at the Meetings Industry Association of the ACT. The Meetings Industry Association, a very reputable group of people, represents hundreds of small businesses in this town. They say this:

In summary, the Meetings Industry Association of Australia (ACT) Inc opposes this amendment for the following reasons: ...

They give lots of reasons. The first is "lack of appropriate industry consultation". Mr Berry did not talk to the tourism industry. He did not even talk to them. He targeted them in his introductory speech, but did not talk to them. The second reason is "carelessness in drafting associated documents". They were also concerned about the reasons Mr Berry gave as to why these amendments were necessary. Other reasons were:

Doubts on the credibility of "statistics" quoted.

No "Needs Analysis" has been conducted to determine the appropriateness or necessity of this amendment. It imposes an unfairly weighted cost against these smaller businesses.

There is a lack of understanding by the Minister and drafters of the way businesses of this size operate.

Existing requirements under industrial relations awards and action through the courts provides adequate protection to employees in this group.

The inability or unwillingness of the Government to disclose the cost of introducing and enforcing the additional work imposed by this amendment.

The implied imposition of union involvement in the management of these small businesses.

The resulting loss of employment as business seek to come in below the threshold of 10.

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