Page 2554 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 October 1992

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MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Lamont says, "Absolute nonsense", but he does not know. He has not spoken to anybody. Madam Speaker, let us take another example. I try to be balanced whenever I stand up and say anything in this place. Let us have a look at the Queensland experience. Queensland, as we all know, has a Labor government. Their designated work group is not 10. It is not 20. Guess what it is. It is 30.

Mr Cornwell: What, in Queensland?

MR DE DOMENICO: In Queensland it is 30. We have not heard any stories about sweatshops in Queensland. I should imagine that Mr Goss, being the erudite Premier that he is, and being a good Labor person, would have made sure that that did not happen. So, what we are talking about - - -

Mr Berry: Talk about New South Wales.

MR DE DOMENICO: In New South Wales it is 20.

Mr Berry: That is right; but they have committees, don't they?

MR DE DOMENICO: In New South Wales it is 20.

Mr Berry: They have committees, though, don't they?

MR DE DOMENICO: In New South Wales it is 20.

Mr Berry: You do not want to talk about committees.

MR DE DOMENICO: Is it 20? You do not want to talk about it being 20. Madam Speaker, I said before that the word "consultation" comes up from time to time. This Government stands up in this Assembly and prides itself on community consultation. A question, a dorothy dixer, was once asked in this place of Mr Berry to this effect: "Listen, is it true that you did not consult with anybody?". Mr Berry stood up and said, "Of course I consulted with people. In fact, I consulted with the Industrial Relations Advisory Council". Let me tell you the form of that consultation. I am quoting from the minutes of the Industrial Relations Advisory Council of 27 May.

Mr Berry: What about the Occupational Health and Safety Council?

MR DE DOMENICO: I do not know. I do not have the minutes of that meeting. A lot of the members of the Industrial Relations Advisory Council are on that committee as well, and they have representatives.

Mr Berry: So, there was wide consultation.

MR DE DOMENICO: No, there was not wide consultation. Let us have a look at the minutes. I do not think the minutes would tell lies. I dare say that Mr Berry has had an opportunity of approving the minutes. I quote item 4:

Proposed change to Designated Workgroup provision ...

In introducing this item, the Minister spoke of the Government's concern that the more efficacious provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 applied only to large employers, leaving some 50 per cent of workers without the benefit of workplace health

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