Page 2552 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 October 1992

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Mrs Carnell: A particular area with very low union coverage.

MR DE DOMENICO: That is right. These sectors are targeted because of their traditionally low union membership rates. There is a fact of life about that.

Mr Lamont: Which hat are you talking with today, Kate? The part-time job as the pharmacist or the MLA?

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please!

MR DE DOMENICO: Could you protect me from that lower form of life on the other side of the house?

MADAM SPEAKER: Steady, Mr De Domenico.

Mr Berry: I think that is an imputation that ought to be withdrawn.

MADAM SPEAKER: We will allow Mr De Domenico to proceed, please, with a bit of order.

Mr Lamont: I would also, on a point of order, seek the withdrawal of his last comment, Madam Speaker.

MR DE DOMENICO: Which one?

MADAM SPEAKER: I believe that "lower form of life" is a little unparliamentary, Mr De Domenico. I would ask you to withdraw that, please.

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, if it upsets Mr Lamont, I withdraw it.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr De Domenico.

MR DE DOMENICO: I do not believe that it is unparliamentary, but I withdraw anyway. Mr Keating can say "sleazebag", but "lower form of life" is out. Anyway, so be it. I will use some other words. The hidden agenda, Madam Speaker, is to increase union coverage in the hospitality and retail sectors under the guise of occupational health and safety. These sectors are targeted because of their traditionally low union membership rates.

Mr Berry: This is the real reason they are opposing it.

Mr Lamont: Yes, that is right.

MR DE DOMENICO: No; I have some more. Wait; I have not finished. I have another 13 minutes in which to give reasons why. It is interesting to note that Mr Berry has stated that the hospitality and retail sectors "have rarely been subject to the election of workplace safety delegates". If that is not a reason for introducing the legislation, I do not know what is. In the same breath he pointed out:

Since the introduction of the legislation the union movement has played a major role.

Seeing that the union movement is the only group in this community that he has bothered to consult with, it is no wonder that it plays a major role. It is also important to note that the designated work groups must include an involved union; but it has not been done to involve the union, Mr Berry says. It is time,

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