Page 2509 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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Mr Bill Wood - the Chief minister has asked me to reply to the members questions as follows:

(1) The former lessee of the Dickson hotel applied to the ACT Supreme Court to vary the lease under section 11A of the City Area Leases Act 1936 in December 1988. The process involved public notification and received the Courts provisional approval later that same month.

The variation allows the site to be used for "hotel, motel, serviced apartments, residential flats, restaurants, offices, professional suites, personal services, service trades, cafes, bistros, indoor recreational facilities and shops other than supermarkets".

(2) There will be no alteration, and none is anticipated in the future, to the configuration of Woolley Street.

(3) The current aesthetics of Block 2 Section 32 Dickson will be improved with an attractive development that has taken into account the sensitivity of the surrounding areas.

(4) As part of the overall design of the proposed -development, the lessee was required to undertake a traffic and parking study of the area. ARUP Transportation Planning provided a "Traffic and Parking Effects Report - Redevelopment of the Dickson Hotel Site", as part of the proposal.

The Report addressed the traffic/parking implications of the surrounding areas, including the proposed access points to the Service Station. The Report was made available to the Department of Urban Services, Roads and Traffic Branch, which endorsed the Traffic Concept Plan, including the proposed Badham Street access.

(5) There is currently no Australian Capital Territory, or Commonwealth Government policy regarding duplication of businesses in the ACT. Nor, as far as I am aware, is there any such policy in place elsewhere in Australia. All lessees in the ACT are entitled to develop or redevelop parcels in accordance with the conditions in the lease and the Territory Plan.


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