Page 2495 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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(9) Did the replies to question 182 (2)(f) and (g). imply that Mr Conway was the sole Departmental officer participating in those meetings on SP bookmaking.

• (10)The reply to question 182 (4)(d) did not provide information about the title of the position. What is the title of the position. Is the SES Band 1 officer referred to Mr -Conway or another officer. If Mr Conway is that officer, what is his connection to the. Office of Sport and ecreation, or if another officer please clarify the reply in 182 (2)(e).

(11) (a) In reply to question 182 (4)(e) was Mr Conway representing the ACT Government Service or was he pursuing his duties in some other capacity; and (b) if he was not acting in a formal departmental role, why did "DELP meet the expense of his participation.

Mr Berry - the answers to the Members Questions are as follows:

(1)The position occupied by Mr Conway is a previously vacant position in.the Department of the Environment, Land and Planning. It was .considered the duties were such as to. warrant classification at the SES Band f level.

(2)The position is part of the establishment of .the Department of Environment, Land and Planning-but not part of the structure of the Office of Sport and Recreation. It reports directly to the Secretary of that Department.

(3) No. The position was a vacant position on the

establishment of the Department. -

(4) (a) The position reports directly to the Secretary of the

Department of the Environment, Land and Planning and is .

not part of. the structure of the Office of Sport and

Recreation. However Mr Conway, while. undertaking the

duties of the position., has a close association with. the

Office. -

(b) No. When the Review is finalised, vacant positions will be filled through the normal recruitment processes.

(5) It is not proposed to transfer the position currently occupied by Mr Conway to. the Office. The Office currently comprises three Sections, all reporting to the. Director Environment and Conservation.. The Review is recommending the establishment of a Branch structure for . the office-of Sport and Recreation which would, inter alia, undertake the functions of Mr Conways position:.

(6) The Director Environment and Conservation discussed the position with staff who had relevant background, experience and skills.


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