Page 2446 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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The consultation process was interesting this time, Mr Kaine, because, as you quite rightly said, the Trades and Labour Council gave its thoughts on the budget. The Business Council gave its view as well, as did the Canberra Chamber of Commerce, Dr Tomlinson, and the Canberra Times. Let me repeat again what the Canberra Times said. I agree with it entirely. It said:

Yesterday's ACT Budget is the work of a government that is incompetent or paralysed - or both.

Yes, you are incompetent. Yes, you are paralysed. Yes, you have no idea of what to do to make this town tick.

MR WESTENDE (4.27): Madam Speaker, my preliminary comments on the budget are somewhat general; then I will go to my area of responsibility. Ms Follett's speech includes the following significant assurances:

This Budget reflects our commitment to improving the effectiveness of the public sector and the efficiency of its service delivery.

This Government recognises the work of both -

the public and private sectors -

and this Budget provides support to both.

Is this budget faithful to its assurances? The Canberra Times reports on the budget on Tuesday, 15 September, which my colleague has already quoted, and the ABC radio comments by ACT watcher David Chessell stressed the budget's business as usual appearance. I emphasise the word "appearance". Mr Lamont talked about the cuts proposed by the Federal Government, but may I remind this Government that we have to budget for the future which the ACT faces. That is the main problem with the third Follett budget. It presents a prudent balanced budget, but in reality the ACT faces a $120m cut in the $730m it receives from the Commonwealth. That is 10 per cent of the whole budget.

Many areas of excessive government budgetary activity which should be cut back have not been addressed. In reply to comments this morning by the Deputy Chief Minister, I would like to assure him that while I am away my shadow portfolio will be adequately looked after. The budget affecting my area has already been analysed, and will continue to be analysed, and the proper questions will be asked by the person looking after it.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

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