Page 2348 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 16 September 1992

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Labor Government, as annunciated in this budget last evening. A great difficulty has been thrust upon the local Liberals. I do not believe that Mr Kaine has attempted deliberately to misrepresent the position of the Liberals and their support or non-support.

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I do not believe that I set out deliberately to misrepresent anything. In fact, I tried to present my case fairly and honestly, and I would like that to be withdrawn.

MR LAMONT: I thought that was what I said. I do not believe that you deliberately set out to mislead.

Mr Kaine: In that case, I accept it.

MR LAMONT: Thank you, Mr Kaine.

Mr Connolly: If you want him to withdraw it and say that you did, that is all right.

MR LAMONT: I will repeat it, and I am also prepared to withdraw it. Mr Kaine, I do not believe that you did, in fact, deliberately set out to mislead; but that, in effect, is what has happened. On the one hand, I and many other Canberrans heard your comments in relation to the refurbishment of the old Parliament House and a number of other projects in the capital works inquiry. A whole range of things that you have supported, we have supported. We have all supported them. It is somewhat contrary to the comments that you made, I would submit, for quite obvious political reasons, in support of those projects, to support on the other hand Fightback, because Fightback - the "frightpack", or one of the other names it will be given between now and the next election - quite deliberately sets out to decimate the ACT. It quite deliberately sets out to decimate the economic and employment base in the ACT.

I need but remind you, Mr Kaine, of the Canberra Times article by Ross Peake and Jodie Brough of 25 August. It stated:

Dr Hewson told The Canberra Times he was prepared to risk the wrath of Canberra people with his strong opposition to the building.

He said flatly, "We are going to do everything we can to make sure it doesn't go ahead. We will campaign on it and I think it's indicative of how out of touch they are".

Mr Kaine, on 26 August - - -

Mr De Domenico: In the form proposed, he said.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr De Domenico - - -

Mr De Domenico: Tell him to tell the whole truth, Madam Speaker.

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order. There is an imputation there. I think Mr De Domenico ought to withdraw that. He is disorderly as well. A little bit of silence would help the speaker.

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