Page 2339 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 16 September 1992

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... when the Commonwealth brings down its budget, as it did last night, and is looking at the allocation of moneys from its budget. Canberra does not get a guernsey.

Just a few days later, however, Mr Kaine and his colleagues in the Assembly were opposing the building, full stop. Did they get a phone call? We could speculate.

Mr Humphries: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. Ms Ellis has made a clear misrepresentation of what the Liberal Party has said. We have never opposed in this place the building of the York Park development. I ask Ms Ellis to withdraw that suggestion. Quote the Hansard where we said it, otherwise it is not true.

MADAM SPEAKER: Ms Ellis, were you quoting Hansard at that point?

MS ELLIS: Yes, I was. I am sorry, Madam Speaker - - -

Mr Humphries: What page?

Mr Kaine: Can you quote where we opposed it?

MS ELLIS: No, I am afraid that I do not have that with me.

Mr Humphries: Then withdraw it. Ask her to withdraw that, Madam Speaker.

Mr Berry: No, you do not have to withdraw. There is no imputation.

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me! I am about to speak. Let there be order. Ms Ellis, if there is a perception here that you have somehow misrepresented the Liberals, I ask you to withdraw any unintended misrepresentation.

MS ELLIS: Certainly, Madam Speaker. I will.

MADAM SPEAKER: Perhaps when we check the Hansard we may come back to that point.

MS ELLIS: Certainly, Madam Speaker. I am happy to do that.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms Ellis.

Mr Kaine: You are happy to do what?

MS ELLIS: As I have just said, Mr Kaine - if you had been listening and not interjecting - to withdraw any imputation that - - -

Mr Kaine: Thank you.

MS ELLIS: Did the Opposition here get a phone call, Madam Speaker? We could speculate. We could speculate for hours on the real reasons for this new high art form of Canberra bashing. Madam Speaker, how ridiculous it is to expect the people of Canberra not to interpret the Liberals' opposition to this valuable project in any other way than doing the Canberra bash. But I digress. We could speculate, but let us guess. Could it perhaps be because this project is for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade?

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