Page 2333 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 16 September 1992

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to a unit, are managed by their own specialist but they are co-located with other adolescents in an environment more suited to their needs. At this stage in the hospital redevelopment we are looking at the provision of an adolescent ward further down the track. For this reason, I have circulated the amendment that I referred to a moment ago.

Madam Speaker, I think that this is a positive way to continue the consideration of this important issue and to build on the consultation already under way between my department and the adolescent ward working party. The Government recognises the needs of adolescents and, of course, the provision of better services for adolescents is consistent with our intention to provide access to a broad range of health facilities and services within a strong public hospital system. I can say that we are committed to continuing with that approach across the board.

I am pleased to see that Ms Szuty has taken on this issue. It is a noble issue and it deserves resolution. I was interested in the comparisons which she drew with what is provided in Sydney. We could never expect to provide, in the short term anyway, the sorts of facilities that would be provided in the centre of a large population area like that. But we have recognised the need to do something better for adolescents, and it will be in the planning process of our redevelopment as it goes ahead. Madam Speaker, the Government will be supporting the motion, and we will also be supporting the amendment which I have circulated. I formally move:

Omit "unit", insert "ward".

MR HUMPHRIES (11.22): Madam Speaker, I was going to use the word "paranoid", but I think it has been overworked in the last few days. Mr Berry likes to come out fighting on every occasion that the Government and the Opposition appear to be saying something different. I think he is overreacting slightly. There is no notion of condemnation of the Government in this motion of Ms Szuty's, and there has been no tone of condemnation on the part of Mrs Carnell, who spoke on this matter on behalf of the Opposition. There is no intention for that to happen. Nobody is saying that the ACT Government has been remiss in not putting in place plans for an adolescent unit or ward to date. What we are saying is that it has become clear, over a period, that there is a case for such a facility, and that, collectively, the ACT should be moving down the path of making plans for that to happen. I can assure the Minister that there will be no press release going out saying, "Government dragging its feet on adolescent unit", or "Government tardy on important health facility". That will not be happening as long as this matter is at least addressed in the next year or two.

Madam Speaker, when I was in government as Minister for Health the argument was put to me that an adolescent unit was required. The argument was an impressive one, and it was given serious consideration. I can say that at the time of the 1991-92 budget, which the Alliance Government was preparing when it lost office, consideration was being given within the Department of Health to the question of adolescent facilities in our ACT public hospitals. That is not to say that it would have happened in the 1991-92 budget had we remained in office. There were many competing demands - - -

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