Page 2227 - Week 08 - Thursday, 10 September 1992

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MR BERRY: We did not know about it. How would we know about it? The police do not come to me and ask me who they should investigate. They do not ask us and we do not direct them.

Mr Humphries: We are not saying that you do direct them.

MR BERRY: You were trying to impute that. You try to impute that sort of thing. The Government is not responsible for the investigation.

Mr De Domenico: I did not try to impute anything. I asked you a question.

Mr Kaine: You asked Mr Connolly a question; but Mr Berry feels constrained to answer it, which is very interesting.

MR BERRY: I was asked to answer it by your fellow member and colleague Mr De Domenico. He said, "I would like to know"; so here I am again, trying to help out and all I get is criticism.

Ms Follett: You give them the information and they do not know what to do with it.

MR BERRY: That is right. I am always happy to help out. If you want to do a stunt, do not come near me; go and use your own sources. If you want me to help out, come near me and we will fix it. The most interesting part of the comments of Mr Kaine was, "Do not start an inquiry until you have the answer".

Mr Kaine: No, that is not what I said.

MR BERRY: I think that was a pearler.

Mr Kaine: I think you will find when you check the Hansard that you are transliterating.

MR BERRY: That is on record. We will frame that one. "Do not start the police on an investigation until you know what they are doing", says Mr Kaine. What sort of a place would it be to live in, with his sort of philosophies loose amongst the police force? That is why the people in the ACT are content with the Labor Government. They know that we will not interfere with the operations of the police. Mr Kaine implies that he would. Never start an inquiry; do not call the police until you know what the result is. That is the name of the game. This is the way that Mr Kaine operates. Madam Speaker, the police operation is clearly one for them, not one for the Government, and it is not one that we are concerned with. It is an issue that was raised, it has been said here repeatedly, by senior executive officers in the service. They raised it with the police. The police are properly investigating the matter. The Libs have tried to beat the daylights out of this and beat it up into something big and fluffy. Well, good luck to them. But we will be here when they are gone.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Assembly adjourned at 4.57 pm until Tuesday, 15 September 1992, at 2.30 pm

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