Page 2185 - Week 08 - Thursday, 10 September 1992

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Mr De Domenico: He should get a copy, though.

MR WOOD: He will get a copy. I am sure you have attended some of our functions. There was one at the Causeway that is illustrated here. A wonderful pictorial history of the Causeway was produced. Other social histories have been prepared by Jill Waterhouse, who does an excellent job in that area. In the heritage unit and in the department we set about recording our history, and it seems to me entirely logical that we should be recording the history of self-government. What better time to do it than now, when all the accounts are fresh in people's minds? I was offered the opportunity some two or three years ago to make any comments I wanted to that history. It may have been that history that was being prepared.

Mr Kaine made some comment about a consultancy on water quality that is provided by ACTEW. To my knowledge, off the top of my head, there is no comparable facility in the ACT to that which ACTEW has. With water quality it is important to test the water as soon as possible. Indeed, when I have been on site with the inspectors when they have been taking water samples, they pack it in ice, even for a relatively short trip across to ACTEW. Once out of its natural environment, if it gets heated up or changes temperature it can affect the test readings. It is important to do it locally and as soon as possible. I think ACTEW is the only agency that can do it well, but it is a point I will take on board, Mr Kaine.

I note that the dog control prosecutions were a matter he raised. Maybe the lack of other convictions is due to the good monitoring we do and to the nature of Canberra, which is not a heavily polluted city. I was reading with interest the occupational health and safety statistics. We have a pretty heavy industrial work force in the department, if we go out to the engineering workshops at Kingston. It is a large area; there are workshops and depots all over the town. I was not surprised by those statistics. I have not checked this, but I think they would be diminishing year by year because quite extensive training is undertaken.

The final point from Mr Kaine I will comment on is the figure for Floriade. It is likely that it is simply a matter of the timescale taken in the recording of expenditure, but I will get back to you with a definitive answer on it. I am actually disappointed that you did not ask me what "limnology" means; there is a consultancy for limnology.

Mrs Carnell: We knew.

MR WOOD: I thought Mr Kaine would ask me. I did not know, let me be honest.

Mr Kaine: Can I ask you what it is?

MR WOOD: I thought someone here might be able to tell me. It is actually to do with lakes. (Extension of time granted) Having found that out and been ready to give you the answer, you did not ask me.

Mr Lamont: By the way, Mr Kaine is in a photograph in the book, reflected in the mirror on page 126.

MR WOOD: On page 126 we can see your reflection, we believe, Mr Kaine. So you have not missed out.

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