Page 2165 - Week 08 - Thursday, 10 September 1992

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MR LAMONT: In relation to the question currently before the Assembly.

Mr Kaine: Why don't you just speak to it like everybody else?

MR LAMONT: I have spoken to it already.

MADAM SPEAKER: Leave has been granted. He has spoken to it once. He is allowed now to speak to it again. Proceed, Mr Lamont.

Mr Kaine: He has not been granted leave yet, Madam Speaker. I was inquiring as to what it was that he wanted to be given leave for.

MR LAMONT: In relation to the question before the house.

Mr Kaine: In that case, I am happy to give leave.

MR LAMONT: Thank you, Mr Leader of the Opposition. You, sir, raised a number of points in your comments this morning in relation to the recommendations that have been made about social interaction within the foyers of the Assembly and the spare space which may be available initially. It was the assumption of the committee that the Speaker would be responsible for the allocation of such resources; and that it would not be a permanent arrangement for any particular community group, but would allow for displays and/or information programs to be established in the confines of the Assembly to encourage interaction between the community and the Assembly.

The second question you raised was in relation to electorate offices. The matter was raised in the committee as a topic of discussion only. I do not believe that any particular agenda was being pushed by anybody. I think it was a recognition that this will be the last time we have a single electorate in the ACT. The probability is that we will go to the Hare-Clark three-electorate system.

Ms Follett: An absolute certainty, Mr Lamont.

MR LAMONT: I am assured with great conviction by the Chief Minister, quite appropriately, that there will be three electorates. It was in that regard that that was raised. It was taken no further than that, Mr Kaine, so I would suggest that nothing sinister can be read into it.

Madam Speaker, it is hoped that today we will adopt this report. As I said when previously speaking to it, I would hope that this matter is adopted unanimously by the Assembly, but I can understand that there may be one of our number who does not wish to do that. Madam Speaker, in conclusion, I would also like to draw the Assembly's attention to the attendance in the chamber today of students from Lyneham High School. I understand that their visit is part of a program on understanding the operations of parliaments. I welcome them here.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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