Page 2111 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 9 September 1992

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MADAM SPEAKER: Could I have some order.

Mr Wood: There is no point of order.

Mr Lamont: Pursuant to which standing order?

Mr Kaine: Twenty-six.

Mr Lamont: Twenty-six does not apply.


Mr Kaine: The Chief Minister is not entitled to make such general assertions.


Mr Connolly: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. Standing order 26 refers to custody of records and has nothing to do with what the Leader of the Opposition - - -

Mr Kaine: That is what we are talking about. They were up in the Chief Minister's office looking for them yesterday.

MADAM SPEAKER: I cannot rule on a point of order if it is not clear to me what that point of order is.

Mr Berry: If it is not a point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Right. When and if I understand the point of order I will rule on it. At the moment, all I understand is that it was claimed that some improper references were made to the Liberal Party, and I ruled that I felt that there were not any. If there is a further point of order I will listen to it. Only if it makes sense to me will I then rule on it.

Mr Kaine: You do not believe that they were improper?

MADAM SPEAKER: I would like a proper point of order, please - if there is one.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, by way of explanation I refer members - and they might like to look at the Hansard in due course - to Mr Kaine's first question, in which he clearly said that the Government had ordered the police into the Assembly, and to Mr Humphries's question, which made a similar sort of assertion - perhaps not in as many words, but that was clearly, I believe, the intent of their assertions. I repeat, Madam Speaker, that the Government does not direct the police in operational matters in this or, indeed, other investigations.

Members opposite should note that the ACT is served by an administration that is conscientious and professional and wishes to get to the bottom of this matter. They have sought the assistance in this investigation of the Australian Federal Police, who are equally conscientious and equally professional. I think it is time all members let them get on with their job.

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