Page 2096 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 9 September 1992

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Detail Stage

Clauses 1 and 2 agreed to.

Clause 3

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (12.13), by leave: I move:

Page 2, line 5, proposed new subsection 171A(2), omit the subsection, substitute the following subsection:

  "(2) Where an offence notice is served on a child and the police officer serving the notice reasonably believes that the child is residing with a person who stands in loco parentis to that child, the police officer shall serve, or cause to be served, a copy of the notice on that person.".

Page 2, line 12, proposed new paragraph 171A(3)(b), omit "day", substitute "date".

Page 2, line 15, proposed new paragraph 171A(3)(c), omit "scheduled", substitute "prescribed".

Page 2, line 18, proposed new paragraph 171A(3)(d), omit "scheduled", substitute "prescribed".

Page 2, line 19, proposed new paragraph 171A(3)(e), omit "scheduled", substitute "prescribed".

Page 2, line 22, proposed new subsection 171A(4), omit "scheduled", substitute "prescribed".

Page 2, line 33, proposed new subsection 171A(5), omit "scheduled", substitute "prescribed".

Page 3, line 7, proposed new subsection 171A(7) (definitions of "scheduled penalty" and "simple cannabis offence"), omit the definitions, substitute the following definition:

"'simple cannabis offence' means -

(a) an offence under subsection 162(2) of cultivating, or participating in the cultivation of, not more than 5 cannabis plants; or

(b) an offence under subsection 171(1) of possessing not more than 25 grams of cannabis.".

Page 3, line 10, proposed new section 171A, at the end of section 171A, add the following subsection:

  "(8) In relation to a simple cannabis offence, the prescribed penalty is $100.".

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