Page 2080 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 9 September 1992

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distance themselves from anything that could be seen to be progressive. I am afraid Mrs Carnell's speech was unconvincing in that respect. I have to say that it appeared that she did not have her heart in it. Perhaps it would be better if it did not appear that way. I think that this comes from the general political approach that the Liberals have taken in relation to debate in this Assembly.

There have been some attempts to cause mischief about the debate - there is no question about that - and to emotionalise issues related to this matter. Statements like "Give drugs to kids" are patently wrong and are very definitely intended to mislead the community about what this Bill will do. There is a real attempt with those sorts of misleading statements to create fear and hysteria. Statements like "Free up access to drugs" are clearly lies. You cannot have people saying those sorts of - - -

Mr De Domenico: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I suggest to you that Mr Berry's use of the word "lies" - - -

MR BERRY: I did not say that you said anything. Sit down. I never said it. I said, "Statements like - - -

Mr De Domenico: Madam Speaker, if you tell me to sit down, I shall. For Mr Berry to assume the role of the Chair to me is very rude, for a start. Madam Speaker, Mr Berry quite clearly said "lies". I suggest that Mr Berry should withdraw that because I do not believe that any members on this side of the house have lied.

MR BERRY: Well, that is fine. You have naught to worry about.

Mr De Domenico: Then withdraw, please.

MR BERRY: Madam Speaker, I said that statements like "Free up access to drugs" are clearly lies. I never related it to those people. They seem to have a guilty conscience.

Mr Humphries: You said that we were saying them earlier today.

Mr De Domenico: That is right. Do the right thing and withdraw.

MR BERRY: No; you should listen to the debate.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It is my understanding that Mr Berry has not stated that Mrs Carnell made those statements. He is generalising and saying that such statements are lies. If I am wrong, I will take a further point of order on that. Please continue, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Madam Speaker, I never said that those people made that particular statement. I was merely drawing attention to the fact that statements like that are clearly lies. That is not the approach of the Government. Frivolous points of order like that are typical of the Liberals. They seem to me to want to build up a great campaign of points of order in this Assembly. They are just frivolous. They do not even listen to the debate. You have to stay awake and listen to what is going on. Listen to what people say and do not hear just what you want to hear.

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