Page 2044 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 8 September 1992

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Mr Cornwell: You can't chew gum and walk, either, can you?

MR LAMONT: There is an old line about that which I do not think it is appropriate that I relate. The range of submissions we received - and here I pay particular tribute to the contribution of Ms Szuty and her staff - were exemplary. They quite rightly drew to the attention of the committee a wide range of issues upon which we have made substantial recommendations, and I thank Ms Szuty and her staff for that. I also thank Ms Malmberg, the committee secretary, who had the difficult task of drawing together the recommendations in the report, listening to the debates, which at times were vigorous, and coming up with a report that at the end of the day represents, I believe, the collective views of the people in this chamber.

I draw to the attention of the Assembly, and representatives of the media who may be listening to this debate, the final recommendation contained at paragraph 10.5, dealing with the establishment of a Speaker's committee. As you are aware, Madam Speaker, that committee will comprise members of the Administration and Procedures Committee. It will liaise with the Minister responsible - that is the Minister for Urban Services, Mr Connolly - "for carriage of the redesign and refurbishment of South Building and to ensure full consultation with all stakeholders including the Secretariat, the unions, the Library and others as appropriate from time to time".

Mr Kaine: What about the other members? We are amongst the others.

MR LAMONT: It says, Mr Leader of the Opposition, "and others as appropriate from time to time". As you are also aware, the Administration and Procedures Committee does contain the Whip of your party and the Whip of the Labor Party. I believe that through those two good officers, as we have demonstrated to date, we will ensure that the respective party room views are represented on the committee. Mr Moore has quite clearly established his bona fides in the work he has done on the committee, as has Ms Szuty, as an Independent member, in the way she has made submissions.

I think it is important to realise that it will be this house that determines to the largest extent possible its own destiny as far as its new premises are concerned. It will be this chamber that sets the standard by which this Assembly and its operations will be judged over the next 15 to 20 years in its new home in the South Building. In conclusion, I wish again to place on record my appreciation for the efforts of all members of the committee and the secretariat, and also for the hospitality shown to us by our hosts in Darwin and by the Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government.

Debate (on motion by Mr Kaine) adjourned.

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