Page 2035 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 8 September 1992

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Madam Speaker, there will be a point where this Assembly may well be considering whistleblowers legislation, legislation designed to protect certain individuals who take steps in the public interest. This may or may not be an occasion where such legislation might have offered protection for a person. I do not comment on that fact. But, certainly, Madam Speaker, I think it is a serious overreaction on the part of this Government to take this matter to the extent of issuing a search warrant and instructions to the Australian Federal Police.

It falls particularly badly emanating, presumably, from the office or close to the office of the Minister for Health, a man who made great play of what he saw as attempted interference in the media by the former Alliance Government. I quote from the Public Eye of 5 February 1991, under the heading, "Bureaucrats accused of media interference", which appeared above a big picture of a certain person:

ACT Shadow Minister for Health, Wayne Berry, has accused senior staff of the ACT Department of Health of attempting to stifle public criticism of the ACT Government's Hospital Redevelopment plans.

According to Mr Berry, a local radio station had promised to support a benefit concert to keep Canberra Hospital open but the station withdrew sponsorship after being contacted by Health Department officials.

Mr Berry also claims that a journalist covering health stories in another Canberra media outlet was sacked due to the nature of his reports.

Madam Speaker, if what has happened today is not an attempt to heavy members of the media in this community, then I ask, what is? This is a disgraceful act. I hope that the Government will take urgent steps to put right the damage that it has done already to the reputation of this Government and to this Assembly by this disgraceful act.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (4.39): Madam Speaker, this is one of the most foolish responses that I have ever heard from the member opposite.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Berry, do you seek leave to speak?

Mr Humphries: We will give you leave.

Leave granted.

MADAM SPEAKER: Please proceed, Mr Berry.

Mr Kaine: If he were to seek leave, Madam Speaker, we might grant it.

MR BERRY: It has already happened. Sit down.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, I seek your protection from this Minister. I do not need him to tell me to sit down when I am already sitting down, and I object to his aggressive stance in this Assembly at all times. I would like you to call him to order.

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