Page 2033 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 8 September 1992

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what is going on. But not so in the case of the Liberals; there is a big grandstand. I would like to have heard what it was all about so that we would have the opportunity to discuss it amongst ourselves and determine a position in relation to the matter; but, no, there is a greasy little trick by the Liberals to spring something on at the last minute.

Mr Kaine: I take a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. Somebody on the other side of the house took exception to the word "shonky" recently. I take exception to the phrase "a greasy little trick", and I want him to withdraw it.

MR BERRY: All right; a slippery little trick.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker: I ask the Minister to withdraw that.

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Would you withdraw it, please, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: I would not like to imply that Mr Kaine was greasy or slippery.

Mr Kaine: Do you want to get suspended, Minister?

MR BERRY: I will not, because I accept the rulings of the Chair, Mr Kaine. I withdraw.

Question put:

That the motion (Mr Humphries's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 9  NOES, 8

Mrs Carnell Mr Berry
Mr Cornwell Mr Connolly
Mr De Domenico Ms Ellis
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Kaine Mrs Grassby
Mr Moore Mr Lamont
Mr Stevenson Ms McRae
Ms Szuty Mr Wood
Mr Westende

Question so resolved in the affirmative, with the concurrence of an absolute majority.

MR HUMPHRIES (4.33): Thank you, Madam Speaker; thank you, members. I sought leave to raise an urgent matter concerning the Assembly and the freedom of the press because I believe that a matter of some considerable concern to all of us in this place has come to light in the last few hours. The matter is urgent; it cannot wait for other less important government business to transpire. I am very disturbed.

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