Page 2027 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 8 September 1992

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services at no cost to the taxpayer. It would have stopped treatment delays and it would have provided construction jobs. It would also have offered an opportunity for employment for all those graduate nurses who have been left high and dry by the present Government's policies. You really have to question the social agenda of a government that walks away from such an important project; a government that places publicly funded abortions, bans on traditional circuses, decriminalising cannabis and continuing Canberra as the capital of porn above jobs for young people, economic growth and correcting a hospital waiting list.

The Minister has said that a private hospital would not be viable. Obviously, some organisations think that it would be; and, anyway, since when has it been the business of government whether a private business makes a profit or not? What the Labor Government really means by social justice is not ordinary fairness and equity but the left-wing, politically correct agenda that it has been following. It means advancing such things as abortion and marijuana, things that appeal to the sectional interests of the Left.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Your time has expired. Are you seeking an extension of time?

MRS CARNELL: No, that is fine.

MS SZUTY (4.07): Madam Speaker, the Chief Minister in her speech outlining the Government's program for this, the Second ACT Legislative Assembly, said:

This is a Labor Government with a commitment to social justice principles, a commitment to implementing the election undertaking we have given to the people of Canberra, and a commitment to the objectives and traditions of the Labor Party.

We have already heard much in this Assembly of the fact that the Liberal Party feels that the ALP should stick to its policy platform and not venture into areas such as abortion reform. But this is one area where I feel there was a social justice imperative for bringing forward that part of the Labor Party's objectives. It is obvious that during difficult economic times the most disadvantaged in our community need and in fact deserve the most assistance - that is, the highest concentration of resources. I do not subscribe to the view that, if the majority of assistance is given to business, benefits will then flow to the most disadvantaged. We need to be proactive in helping people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives and to me that means increased attention to public health services, public housing, public schooling, public transport, and community and welfare services.

In most of these areas the ACT ALP put forward policy statements during the election campaign. The gap as I see it is in the lack of a cohesive policy on community and welfare services. It is an area where clear goals and objectives are needed and a plan of action is necessary to ensure that planning and delivery of services is not ad hoc. Members of the Canberra community who need support should not be left feeling that their needs are something to be dealt with after other areas have been allocated funds. We need to reassure the people of Canberra that its community focus will be supported and that services will be delivered in an effective and equitable fashion.

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