Page 2013 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 8 September 1992

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I thought it would be appropriate for members of the Assembly to have available to them some information about a prison that was built at the same time but was publicly funded. For that reason I sought to spend about half a minute of the Assembly's time simply to put the paper on the table so that people would have it available to them and so that it would be recorded that it was available. That was an agreement reached by Mr Kaine's party Whip - - -

Mr Kaine: Not so; absolutely not so.

MR MOORE: On Friday afternoon, on my understanding of it. I insist that that is the case. Agreement was also reached with the Whip and the manager of government business. I find it quite extraordinary that leave is not granted for such a simple matter.

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (3.18): This matter was raised at the business meeting that is held on Fridays and Mr Moore made his position clear. I think everybody who would have been interested in not granting leave would have let him know. We would have let him know if he was not going to get leave in relation to the matter. He should not despair, because we will support his motion.

MR DE DOMENICO (3.18): Madam Speaker, it is true that the matter was discussed at a meeting on Friday afternoon. It is also true, though, Madam Speaker, that this morning I had discussions with the Government Whip and suggested that - - -

Mr Wood: You were overruled. That is what happened.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr De Domenico has the floor.

MR DE DOMENICO: I had discussions with the Government Whip, Mr Wood. It was not, in our opinion, the correct way for Mr Moore to present his paper. Mr Moore would have ample opportunity. In future, members of this Assembly, except for Ministers as members of the Government, will have ample opportunity to present papers at an appropriate time on Thursday morning. That was the opinion of the Liberal Party. Whilst it was - - -

Mr Berry: You should have told him.

MR DE DOMENICO: Hold on! It was discussed on Friday afternoon and that needed to be clarified.

MR LAMONT (3.19): Just so that everybody gets the full picture, Madam Speaker, let me say that, in a very rushed discussion this morning when I was inquiring after the health of one of the members of the Liberal Party, Mr De Domenico did say that his leader was somewhat miffed that it would appear that Mr Moore was going to be able to present a paper this afternoon. Quite frankly, it was raised last Friday. If the Liberal Party had a problem with Mr Moore presenting the paper, they should have raised it with him. This Assembly at any time may grant leave to any member to do anything that is consistent with proper conduct within the Assembly. Mr Moore has sought leave. I am pleased that the manager of government business has indicated that we will support it.

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