Page 1899 - Week 07 - Thursday, 20 August 1992

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MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (11.52): At this point it is clear that the drippier Liberals are starting to cringe a bit because they have realised what this motion really means. What it really means, of course, is ripping funds off the SAAP program - nothing more than that. It is an attack on that basis. The drippy ones get up and try to rationalise that, but no such attempt will be made by Mr Cornwell. We know where he is coming from, and we can expect some more from him.

Mr Humphries complained long and hard about the consultation issue. Had he read the Ombudsman's report in relation to this matter, it would have become patently clear to him that the criteria had been observed. I quote from the Ombudsman's report, as Mr Humphries has not taken the time to read it. It is another red-faced day for the Liberals - a red-faced day yesterday and another red-faced day today. All of a sudden it has dawned on them that they have been ripping out the SAAP funding for disadvantaged people in our community. This report by the Ombudsman has been tabled, so I will read it to you. If you are too tired to read it, I will read it for you. The Ombudsman said:

As you are aware when choosing a site for supported accommodation in residential areas, the ACT Housing Trust follows an assessment criteria established by the ACT Planning Authority. This criteria seeks to ensure that the accommodation is sited with the minimum of disturbance to the residential area and maximising appropriate community consultation. In this case -

Mr Humphries: Which case?

Mr Connolly: Fraser.

MR BERRY: The case you are referring to, the case you stack your whole campaign on. This is the case on which they stack their whole campaign against SAAP funding. The Ombudsman continued:

In this case the ACT Housing Trust has sought to ensure that all of the criteria have been met.

Madam Speaker, I rest my case. The Liberals are red-faced again about this issue. They have let the right wing run away with it, without considering the implications of what they are on about. We have before this chamber a motion which is a disgrace and should be defeated.

MR CORNWELL (11.55), in reply: This has been an interesting debate. The self-righteous opposite have had a good opportunity to put forward their new social engineering proposals. I should like to set the record straight, and I will repeat what my colleagues Mrs Carnell and Mr Humphries have said.

Mr Moore: Be careful that you do not get repetitious.

MR CORNWELL: Sometimes we have to do this, and sometimes we have to put it in words of one syllable.

There is no intention, as has been said, to close down SAAP. There is certainly the intention to draw attention to what we regard as deficiencies in the operation of that very necessary and very worthy government initiative. I repeat: How do we debate these matters without moving disallowance?

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