Page 1852 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being past 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance

Debate resumed.

MADAM SPEAKER: The question before us is:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Humphries from making a statement concerning the matter of public importance.

Question resolved in the negative.

MADAM SPEAKER: The matter of public importance proposed for discussion is:

The positive effect on employment and social reforms contained in the 1992-93 Commonwealth Budget.

MR LAMONT (4.31): It is with a great deal of solemnity that I address the MPI on the daily program in my name. I say that, Madam Speaker, because of the activities of the Opposition this afternoon. It is quite fortuitous that this morning the Leader of the Opposition raised a question about people's perceptions of the ACT and people who engage in Canberra bashing. In my view, what we have seen this afternoon is another example of why I said this morning that on occasions it is the actions of people in this chamber that bring not only this chamber but also Canberra into disrepute. I believe that it is reprehensible, in the extreme, that we find six members of this Assembly refusing to participate in the affairs of the Assembly this afternoon. It is absolutely outrageous, Madam Speaker. We will not allow that to divert us from addressing the matter on the daily program in my name.

Madam Speaker, this stunt was pulled this afternoon because, when the subject of this MPI is fully disclosed and debated in this Assembly, it will be quite clear that there is a range of choices for the people of Australia and, indeed, the people in the ACT as between the policies of the Australian Labor Party and those of the Liberal Opposition and other people who may be pretenders for public office in Australia. There are great differences in the way in which the Australian Labor Party believes that our society should develop. The decisions announced last evening in the budget, coupled with the policy decisions already put in place by the Follett Labor Government, really do mean that there are a great number of positive effects arising for the people of the ACT.

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