Page 1837 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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MS FOLLETT: Indeed, Madam Speaker, there is built into the construction program quite a length of time. I think that if Mr De Domenico has a look at the York Park project he will realise that the 1,500 jobs to be generated there are in fact over some three years. The Taxation Office project for Belconnen is a project over about 18 months, and is estimated to provide about 270 jobs. The Scarborough House refit, which also involves building an annex, I believe, is a project of some two years' duration, and will involve about 230 jobs. Finally, there is a much smaller project for the War Memorial. Again, that will add to our jobs in the construction industry. I do not have the timing on that; but it is a $2m project, so I presume that it could get under way very rapidly indeed.

Madam Speaker, I can make no guarantee whatsoever, and nor could anybody in this country, that those jobs will go to our own citizens. I think that would be a crazy thing to do. Quite clearly, it is to the good of the ACT economy - - -

Mr Berry: We do not have border guards.

Mr Kaine: No. Well, stop claiming 2,000 new jobs for ACT people.


Mr Berry: They are construction jobs. Of course, they are based in Canberra.

Mr Kaine: This is a gross misrepresentation.


Mr Humphries: Do they come from Canberra? That is the question.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Ms Follett is answering a question.

MS FOLLETT: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Quite clearly, Madam Speaker, we do not have passports and we do not have work permits in the ACT. Maybe that is what members opposite want.

Mr Cornwell: New Zealand shearers will shortly do that.


Mr Humphries: What about the Vietnamese nurses?

MS FOLLETT: Maybe that is what they want over there - that people have to satisfy some sort of residency criteria - - -

Mr Connolly: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. There was an interjection I heard about Vietnamese nurses - - -

Mr Cornwell: And New Zealand shearers, Mr Connolly, in case you did not hear me.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I would prefer comments of that kind not to be made. Ms Follett can proceed.

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