Page 1827 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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MR HUMPHRIES: Thank you for putting that on the record, Mr Lamont. We know now that Mr Lamont does not particularly care about - - -

Mr Lamont: You are wrong in fact. You are very touchy about this.

MR HUMPHRIES: You are the one interjecting, Mr Lamont; I am not. We know that Mr Lamont and his colleagues understand that sending some departments to other areas sometimes might have to happen as part - - -

Mr Lamont: Mr Deputy Speaker, I take a point of order. You did pull up my colleague Ms Ellis in relation to relevance. I am sure you were referring to standing order 58. I would hope that we can be even-handed with people from the other side of the chamber.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: We can; and we can also pull people up for too frequent interjections, Mr Lamont.

Mr Lamont: I understand that; and I do notice, sir, that you have not done so, to this time.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I may well do so.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Deputy Speaker, let us look at the real Canberra attackers, the people who have been making attacks on the ACT. We have to balance the record, for those who might read only or primarily Ms Ellis's speech.

Mr Berry: Tell us about the Valley View and your response to that.

MR HUMPHRIES: I will get onto that, Mr Berry. You will get your medicine in time. Just be patient. We have Mr Tom Burns, a former State leader of the Australian Labor Party - - -

Mr Lamont: Mr Deputy Speaker, I rise to the same point of order in relation to relevance. It is becoming tedious and repetitious. I refer you to standing orders 62 and 58.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Lamont, ruling on the point of order, Ms Ellis did mention a number of Federal and State members of parliament. Mr Humphries, I believe, is doing the same thing. If he strays too far, of course I will pull him up. At the moment I am taking the same even-handed approach that I took with Ms Ellis when she was mentioning Mr Fischer and various other members of parliament.

MR HUMPHRIES: Ms Ellis and other speakers in this debate have named the Canberra bashers. This motion is about Canberra bashing. I am going through the process of doing just that. We have pointed out Senator Button's role in this process. We have pointed out the role of Mr Graeme Campbell, the member for Kalgoorlie, in this process.

Mr Moore: I take a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker. It is not so much the irrelevance; it is the tedious repetition. Mr Humphries is saying, "We have pointed out; we have pointed out". We know that. Standing order 62 does prevent tedious repetition.

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