Page 1697 - Week 06 - Thursday, 13 August 1992

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MR STEVENSON: It is not a matter of ruling out - it is covered by item (u) - but it is saying that these are all the important areas. Most people would think the racing industry, which includes not only the horseracing industry but also trots, greyhounds and anything else that people race from time to time, is relevant.

The other point about codes of practice is that it is wonderful to have them, but we do not yet have them. I asked yesterday and much of today for someone to explain something simple to me. I have asked individuals outside the Assembly and inside the Assembly one of the major questions that we have in relation to the Bill, and it is to do with codes of practice.

Mr Berry: This is not to do with this amendment that Mr Kaine has moved, though.

MR STEVENSON: One would think it was to do with the clause.

Mr Berry: No, we are talking about the amendment.

MR STEVENSON: I think I can speak to clause 21 at the same time; not just to Mr Kaine's amendment, with which I agree. I wonder whether or not something should be in there to include pet shops.

Mr Berry: If you think it should be, where is your amendment?

MR STEVENSON: It is a matter of time.

Mr Berry: You do not do any committee work; you should have plenty of time.

MR STEVENSON: It is a matter of time in the Assembly, Mr Berry.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Stevenson, you will restrict your remarks to the amendment, please. If you want to talk about the greater clause what you say will have to have relevance to the amendment. We are talking about Mr Kaine's amendment and nothing else.

MR STEVENSON: Just the amendment; not clause 21?

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Stevenson.

MR STEVENSON: Fine. It is an excellent amendment and should give the racing industry - not just of horses, but also of greyhounds - the opportunity to develop a code of practice. So, it should be there, and it should be there explicitly. However, the point that I make about the racing industry being given the opportunity to have a code of practice is that, prior to the formation of that code of practice, I believe - and I know that many other people believe - that they will be committing offences from the moment this Bill becomes law. So, the question I would ask about the racing industry amendment that Mr Kaine has presented is: How long will the racing industry be given to develop their code of practice? I notice that the Minister is not here at this moment, but perhaps Mr Lamont or the Attorney-General could pick the point up.

Mr Berry: Do you support the amendment?

MR STEVENSON: Yes, I support the amendment.

Mr Berry: You do not have to say any more.

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