Page 1687 - Week 06 - Thursday, 13 August 1992

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Mr Berry: There is no such place in the ACT; you are not allowed to discharge it on Commonwealth - - -

MR HUMPHRIES: You cannot shoot a gun anywhere in the ACT; is that what you are saying?

Mr Berry: Not unless it is to kill vermin. So, there you go.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am sorry, but you are stretching my credulity a rather long way. If I discharge my gun legally, and I shoot somebody's dog through the head - no pain is caused - how have I committed an offence? I have not.

Mr Berry: No, you have not.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is right.

Ms Follett: Except that it is somebody else's dog; it is their property.

MR HUMPHRIES: If I shoot someone else's dog, they have a civil remedy against me, presumably. They can sue me for the loss of their dog, which presumably would not be very much, as a dog does not have much economic value.

Members interjected.

MADAM SPEAKER: Members, please!

MR HUMPHRIES: A dog has little economic value; therefore there is not much - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Humphries, please! We are on clause 19. Address your remarks to the Chair.

Mr Connolly: The answer is: Section 128 of the Crimes Act; penalty, 10 years.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please! Mr Humphries has the floor.

Mr Lamont: On a point of order, Madam Speaker: I thank my colleague the Attorney-General for confirming that I was right, that indeed the penalty prescribed is under the Crimes Act.

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, this is all tomfoolery. I move:

That the question be now put.

Mr Humphries: On a point of order, Madam Speaker, I direct your attention to standing order 70, which refers to the motion "That the question be now put". It says that the motion may be put:

... unless it shall appear to the Speaker that such motion is an abuse of the rules of the Assembly, or an infringement of Members' rights ...

I am in the middle of my remarks. It is the first time I have exercised my right to speak on this clause. I have raised some reasonable points which took some time for those opposite to consider, and I would respectfully suggest that it is an abuse of my right to speak on this matter if that motion is put now. It is not tomfoolery.

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