Page 1678 - Week 06 - Thursday, 13 August 1992

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The argument put up a few weeks ago about abortion - that we have to be in line with the rest of Australia - goes out the window now, does it not? It does not matter if we are out of step now; we are doing something very important, very significant. We should be stepping out and showing the way for our colleagues in other places. I do not think we will.

Mr Berry: If the rest of Australia had not broken the ground we would have been saying, "We will be breaking new ground". Now we are breaking new ground.

MR HUMPHRIES: The argument cuts both ways. You are either conforming with other States because they have the right idea or breaking new ground because they do not have the right idea. Once again, I almost wearily come back to the point that this legislation obviously has flaws, obviously has problems. I think the Minister does us all a disservice by leaving it on the notice paper for us to debate.

MR STEVENSON (3.54): Mr Deputy Speaker, I had not looked before at the concern that "rodeo" is not defined in clause 4 of the Bill. On looking at the dictionary, it raises a very interesting situation.

Mr Connolly: I think I would look at a better dictionary than that one, Dennis.

MR STEVENSON: Once again, just bear with me for a minute and you may find that you spoke too soon. It says:

1. The driving together of cattle for branding; a roundup ...

2. An inclosure where cattle are collected for branding.

3. By extension, any public performance or entertainment exhibiting or making use of the outfit of men and horses engaged in a roundup; a spectacle resembling a roundup, or presenting its most picturesque features.

I turn now to the wobbly Macquarie Dictionary and look at what it says about "rodeo".

Mr Humphries: What year is that?

MR STEVENSON: I think the chamber's dictionary is probably fairly recent. Let us just check it for the record. It was first published in 1991. That is pretty recent. If anybody has a 1992 dictionary, wheel it out. It may have changed. It says about "rodeo":

An exhibition of the skills of cowboys, riding horses, steers, etc, for public entertainment.

Mr Connolly: Yes, riding steers.

Mr Humphries: No, "riding, steers".

MR STEVENSON: I will read that again:

An exhibition of the skills of cowboys, riding horses, steers, etc, for public entertainment.

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