Page 1674 - Week 06 - Thursday, 13 August 1992

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Australia. Imagine if the rodeo industry, if you like, or other industries form a code of practice for the ACT and later on their national colleagues or colleagues in other States hear about it. They will say, "Why on earth did you agree to such a code of practice? Why did you not talk to the rest of us about it? We would have told you that this point should be included and this point should not be included".

If we totted up the number of hours in this Assembly that we spent debating the lack of consultation in this Assembly, I dare say we would find that we spent far more on that than on anything else. I would ask that the Minister stand up and acknowledge whether or not promoting something would constitute an offence in the ACT if the Bill is passed as it is.

Mr Wood: Have you moved that amendment?

MR STEVENSON: Mr Deputy Speaker, Mr Wood asks whether I have moved the amendment. Perhaps I might be allowed to do that at this time?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, you cannot do so at the moment, Mr Stevenson.

MR STEVENSON: I thought that might be the case.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The question at this time is that Mr Westende's amendments Nos 14 and 15 to clause 18 be agreed to.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to move my amendment at this time in order to allow other members to speak on it. Members can speak on both at the same time.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, not at the moment, please. I will explain the procedure when we come to it. If it is the Assembly's wish to have a cognate debate on Mr Westende's amendments Nos 14 and 15 and Mr Stevenson's foreshadowed amendment, that can be done; but we cannot put them together for a vote. Is it the wish of the Assembly to have a cognate debate? There being no objection, so be it.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Deputy Speaker, I now seek leave to move the amendment.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, you cannot move the amendment at the moment, but you may have a cognate debate.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (3.41): Mr Deputy Speaker, let us advance the debate and have a cognate debate. That will be useful in a small way in rapidly getting this through the Assembly, or perhaps getting it through more rapidly. I listened with interest to Mr Stevenson's comments and I think we do try hard here. We do all we can to encourage debate. I think Mr Stevenson ought to join in that process. There has been a great deal of time available for discussion, not just the bit about going back to 1988 and 1989. It was deferred by Mr Moore. This has been around for a long time and that is part of the debate, Mr Stevenson.

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