Page 1519 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 11 August 1992

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assessed and recommended upon by officers of my Department in close consultation with parents.

(8) A parent is able to call an in-school Review at anytime. Where review members are not in agreement with a recommendation from an In-school Review a formal System Review will be constituted. Following this review process, where parents are dissatisfied with a recommendation, they have a right of appeal to the Director School Services Section, in the first instance and, if necessary to the Executive Director Public Education Services.

(9) All students receiving special education services including the seven students involved in the Pilot Integration Program must have an annual formal review which constitutes an In-school Review. The purpose of the In-school Review has been outlined in an earlier answer.

(10) The seven students involved in the Pilot Integration Program have been placed in mainstream classes with w support for each student in the form of 0.1 of an integration Teacher, up to 0.5 of a Special Teacher Assistant and additional teaching resources to the school to reduce the students mainstream class size. Further, all staff involved in the program have been provided with additional professional development activities.

(11) A monitoring/data collection process has been established to provide data for any future formal evaluation and to provide base information for decisions regarding the program in 1993.

(12) If funds are available and the Pilot Integration Program is extended in the future, the parents of students selected for the program will be invited to consider whether they would like their child to participate in. the program in a mainstream class or be placed in a support program or special setting.


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