Page 1506 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 11 August 1992

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processes. The Government has also, of course, made a major capital works commitment to improve court accommodation, which in turn will increase opportunities for administrative reform.

My Department is also pursuing a wide range of other activities with microeconomic reform objectives, including: deregulation of conveyancing in the A.C.T;

streamlined arrangements for the inter-jurisdictional recognition of lawyers (the A.C.T. has also been taking a leading role in the national consideration of this issue);

active participation in the development of uniform defamation laws throughout the Eastern jurisdictions, and similarly in the development of a national uniform criminal code;

more effective consumer protection schemes, with comprehensive new fair trading legislation as a centre piece;

continuing emphasis on strategies for diverting disputes from the formal court process to less expensive mediation processes;

a comprehensive legislation review program which is analysing the existing body of A.C.T. laws by reference to basic principles such as avoiding unnecessary regulation, making laws understandable to the community, and removing unacceptable or out-dated language;

a continuing program for increasing community access to A.C.T. laws through, for example, education activities in schools and through much greater availability of up-to-date reprints of consolidated Acts;

a vigorous law reform agenda, currently including such major topics as victims of crime, domestic violence and landlord and tenant laws;

continued automation of titles and other document services through the Registrars Office, to facilitate commercial transactions and to provide more effective services to the public generally;

development of legislative and other strategies concerning the price of petrol in the A.C.T.;


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