Page 1498 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 11 August 1992

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(4) A parents and staff working party is preparing a grievance policy and procedures for Finniss Crescent.

(5) The process of caring for people who are staying at Finniss Crescent who take ill and require medical treatment is that parents are contacted and arrangements made for the person to receive medical treatment and/or arrangements for them to go home until they are well.

( 6) Staff have a duty to take reasonable care in relation to illness and injury. Staff will notify parents or carers of an illness, except in the event of an emergency situation, in which case medical assistance is first sought.

(7) Arrangements are made to utilise the beds and staffing as far as possible when people are on camp. Normal staffing ratios apply to those people remaining at Finniss Crescent.

(8) No. Due to the layout of the bedrooms no person can be guaranteed a single bedroom.

(9) Due to the demand for respite care it is necessary to provide the maximum number of beds in relation to the building and the staffing of the facility. Bookings are as such that no opposite genders are mixed in bedrooms. High needs clients are placed in the single bedroom closest to the staff sleepover room, so that staff can readily respond to the clients needs.

(10) No. All residents receive the same level of care regardless of bedroom status.

(11) Staff work to a rotating roster and are employed to the position regardless of gender. If a resident asks or indicates they would prefer a particular member of staff to attend to their needs, their requests are respected.

(12) The work of direct care staff of Finniss Crescent is similar to other professional staff of either gender working in other services (eg; hospitals, surgeries, nursing homes, hostels etc) caring for either male or female clients.


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