Page 1483 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 11 August 1992

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Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Moore's) to the amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 9  NOES, 8

Mrs Carnell Mr Berry
Mr Cornwell Mr Connolly
Mr De Domenico Ms Ellis
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Kaine Mrs Grassby
Mr Moore Mr Lamont
Mr Stevenson Ms McRae
Ms Szuty Mr Wood
Mr Westende

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

MR WESTENDE (10.20): Madam Speaker, I would like to move a further amendment, circulated in my name, to Mr Lamont's amendment. I move:

Proposed new definition of "prohibited circus animal", omit paragraphs (b) and (c), substitute the following paragraphs:

"(b) cheetah, giraffe, puma; or

(c) beyond the year 2000, an elephant, lion, tiger or leopard.".

We have canvassed most of the opinions on this matter already. I have spoken to Mr Wood and said that we would give bipartisan support if they treated all animals equally. I come back to this point: Why should we exclude so-called exotic animals? For instance, camels are a nuisance in Central Australia, but a camel can be a domestic animal. It was once an exotic animal, but it was let loose. Are we going to let 160 lions and 18 elephants loose in Central Australia and make them domestic animals by just releasing them? If so, would they then fall within the meaning of the Bill?

Mr Connolly: They would sort the rabbits out very quickly.

MR WESTENDE: The rabbit is a domestic animal, but it is also a nuisance. You are going to ban those animals just because they are so-called exotic animals. They have just as much instinct, just as much nous, as any other animal. Just because the term "exotic" is applied to them, why should they be excluded? We know, for instance, that there are no cheetahs, giraffes or pumas in circuses; so, just to test the water, we will include those as animals that could be prescribed as a prohibited animal.

Furthermore, in regard to our second paragraph, if those animals are indeed exotic animals and if you want to phase them out, give those people who make their livelihood with and through them an opportunity to amend their acts with or without those animals. Give them some time. After all, when you are reconstructing a business - I have some experience in that area - you cannot do it overnight. You have to plan and act accordingly. You have to set new targets

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