Page 1418 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 11 August 1992

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at budget time. This enables the relevant programs to provide additional levels of service in accordance with additional levels of funding available from the Commonwealth under Commonwealth-ACT agreements. When the Executive gives a direction to increase appropriations in accordance with this subsection, the Chief Minister is required to provide the Assembly with a copy of the directions and a statement of the reasons that led to the giving of the direction.

In addition, the Executive has also approved directions to transfer funds within and between programs in accordance with section 49(1) of the Act. This section enables surplus funds that have arisen during the course of the year to be available for use within other areas of the Government. These measures were taken by the Executive to facilitate the additional funding needs of programs, including augmentation of the Treasurer's Advance, without increasing the total appropriated funds available.

Madam Speaker, in accordance with subsection 47(4) of the Audit Act 1989, I have arranged for a statement to be provided to the Assembly concerning an increase in the appropriation to the Minister's Advance, which members will know as the Treasurer's Advance, in 1991-92 made under subsection 47(3) of the Act. The Audit Act enables the appropriation to the Treasurer's Advance to be increased where the Executive is satisfied that moneys in the Consolidated Fund in a financial year will be in excess of moneys required for the appropriations relating to that financial year. The Act also sets out the criteria which, if satisfied, enable the Consolidated Fund to be appropriated by the amount of the increase to the advance. Where an increase to the Treasurer's Advance is made, subsection 47(4) of the Act requires the Chief Minister to table in the Assembly, within six sitting days, an explanatory statement setting out the facts upon which the Executive was satisfied that additional moneys would be available, the amount by which the advance has been increased, and the purposes for which the additional appropriation is to be charged.

Madam Speaker, on 17 June 1992 the Executive was satisfied that sufficient moneys were available in the Consolidated Revenue Fund to meet the requirement for an additional appropriation of $12.3m. A large part of these available moneys was as a result of unutilised funds in the allowance made for prospective salary and wage increases. A number of significant issues led to the need to increase the appropriation to the advance, and these are set out in Attachment B to the statement tabled.

The increase in the advance made under subsection 47(3) increased the total appropriated funds available in 1991-92 by 0.96 per cent and was funded by revenues available in 1991-92. The increase in the Treasurer's Advance was necessary to enable the continuation of the functions of government. However, as I announced earlier today, the final 1991-92 outcome for the recurrent budget was a small surplus. Therefore, the increase in the advance did not negatively impact on the original budget estimate.

I will arrange for a further statement to be provided to the Assembly on all expenditures which were a final charge against the advance in 1991-92. The detailed information required under subsection 47(4) is included in the attached statement, based on information available at 17 June 1992.

Debate (on motion by Mr Kaine) adjourned.

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