Page 1403 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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There is potential for cruelty in some events traditionally included in a rodeo, such as devices to. induce bucking by rodeo animals. The potential for cruelty was recognised in the Senate Select Committee on Animal Welfare Report on Equine Welfare in Competitive Events other than Racing.

A ban on rodeos is seen to be appropriate in the ACT due to the potential. for cruelty and the fact that there has not been a rodeo in the Territory for over ten years. This would indicate that rodeos are not a traditional part of the ACTs heritage and culture.

Parkwood Eggs

The Bill does not outlaw the battery hen system nor does it prescribe that hens for egg production be free-ranging. The Bill will require battery hens to be kept. in a way that protects their welfare. The battery farm system of egg production will be dealt with by a code of practice. In developing. codes, consultation with relevant interested parties will be undertaken: Codes that are already developed at a national level will be reviewed by the ACT, and may well be adopted without modification.

A national code of practice for the keeping of battery hens is being developed by an Animal Health Subcommittee on Animal Welfare which reports to the Council of Agricultural Ministers.

Mugga Lane Zoo

Neither Mugga Lane Zoo nor the National Aquarium have a permit to keep koalas. The keeping of koalas or any other native animal is regulated by the Nature Conservation Act 1990. The issue of permits under that Act is .governed by concerns for the health of the animals and the ability of individual operators -to be able to care for the animals.

Pet Shops

In development of the Policy Statement on which the Bill is based, a pet shop owner representing commercial interests in the trade and transport of companion animals was involved in the working group.

The confinement provisions simply state that an animal is not to be confined in a way that causes injury or pain, and that confined animals are to be adequately exercised. This is consistent with the Policy Statement.

It is anticipated. that a code of practice will be developed. relating to Pet Shops, and that extensive consultation will be undertaken with relevant organisations and individuals.


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